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always know where you are中文

用"always know where you are"造句"always know where you are" in a sentence"always know where you are"怎麼讀


  • 我總能感覺到你的存在
  • 我總能感覺你的存在
  • 總能感覺你的存在


  • Your family always knows where you are
  • You should have a map in hand so that you always know where you are
  • Make him miss you sometimes … when a man always know where you are , and you always readily available to him ? he takes it fro granted
  • Make him miss you sometimes . . . when a man always know where you are , and your always readily available to him he ' ll take you for granted
  • In utf - 8 , you always know where you are - that is , given a single byte you can immediately determine whether it s a single - byte character , the first byte of a two - byte character , the second byte of a two - byte character , or the second or third or fourth byte of a three - or four - byte character . that s not quite all the possibilities , but you get the idea
    在utf - 8中總是可以知道所處的位置,就是說給定一個字節,馬上就能確定它是一個單字節字符、雙字節字符的第一個字節、雙字節字符的第二個字節,或者三字節/四字節字符的第二個、第三個或第四個字節(當然還有其他可能性,但明白這個意思就行) 。
用"always know where you are"造句  
always know where you are的中文翻譯,always know where you are是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語翻譯always know where you are,always know where you are的中文意思,always know where you are的中文always know where you are in Chinesealways know where you are怎麼讀,发音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。